Monday, May 29, 2006

Online Start Up. Build a website or Turnkey website? (Part 3 - Final)

Copyright © 2006 Penny Shellswell

A notable expert in the field of internet marketing in an Online Business, is Stone Evans. Stone used to be a restaurant owner, but as he says, the restaurant owned him because of the long hours he was having to work.

One day he read a book called ‘Multiple Streams of Income’ by Robert Allen. This book changed his entire life.

After months of researching on the internet late at night after the family had gone to bed, and several thousand dollars spent, Stone Evans found what he was looking for.

He developed his own internet marketing business and is now a very successful online business millionaire.

In his desire to help others do what he has done, he has now written one of the best books out there on how to make money on the internet.

It is a 325 page e-book which you can download for free from the url below.
However, to be successful in internet marketing, once you have a basic grounding, is not so much about who you know, but about what you do with what you know.

To make money online requires motivation, patience, persistence, self-discipline, determination, focus and a positive attitude. Attitude is key. If your sole purpose is to make money you will probably struggle. But if you look for ways of bringing products to people who have a need of them, then you will more likely succeed.

Zig Ziglar said “You can get everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want”. Great wisdom.

Having got your website, chosen some programmes do not expect money suddenly to flow into your bank account. Massive action needs to be taken to promote your site on a regular on-going basis. Without visitors to your site you won’t make a penny. There are free and paid methods to promote your site.

Internet traffic is expected to double annually over the next five years. That means billions of people looking to ‘buy’ something on line. It’s a growing and vast market place which could give you too an exciting way of life, free from financial restraints.

If it takes two to five years to achieve the kind of income you never thought possible and only ever dreamed about, would the journey with its ups and downs have been worth it? Silly question!

If you do enough of the right things often enough, in due season you will reap a harvest.

© 2006 Penny Shellswell Helping you develop a successful Turnkey business Click "Work from Home Don't Miss This".(Top left hand corner)
Download a FREE 325 page ebook click banner "Dotcomology ~ The Science of Making Money Online" both at

Monday, May 08, 2006

Online Start Up. Build a website or Turnkey website? (Part 2)

Copyright © 2006 Penny Shellswell

Choosing a turnkey website

As with affiliate programs there are thousands of sites to choose from and trying to discern the good from the bad can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. The more promotional sales letters you read the more confused you can become.

Some sales letters make it all sound so easy. ‘Click here to earn $150 in under 4 minutes’. ‘Earn $2000 in your first week’. Don’t be deceived. Most successful online businesses are not get rich quick schemes.

It is not possible within the scope of this article to list all the things to beware, but fundamentally if there is no product to sell, avoid it. If you are asked to join before you know what it is all about, I would be suspicious. If there is only one product, can you really build a large income?

Is there any way you can check out the honesty and integrity of the person behind the promotional sales letter? This is not always possible but it can be a help in the early days to get a feel for who is promoting the package.

How can you get sound advice?

If you needed a dental check up you would not go to an electrician! If you needed a plumber you would not go to a college teacher. Does this sound obvious? Yet it is quite staggering the number of people who seek advice, about whether to start an online business, from unqualified people such as family and friends. Beware the trap!

If you need advice on anything go to an expert. Somebody who has gone ahead of you, paved the way and has proved the ground.

It is quite scary the number of people who when it comes to the internet seem to throw caution to the wind and common sense out of the window. They read a promotional sales letter, get all excited and sign up. Only then do they look in more detail and wonder what on earth they are supposed to do. You need to be able to rely on a helping hand.

We had an email only last week from someone who signed up to one of our programs and then emailed us with questions. We were able to point her to some training and step-by-step information.

To be continued...

Copyright © 2006 Penny Shellswell
Helping you develop a successful Turnkey business
Click "Work from Home Don't Miss This" (Top left corner)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Online Start Up. Build a website or Turnkey website? (Part 1)

Copyright © Penny Shellswell

You need to decide whether you are going to build your own site, have one built for you or go with a turnkey website (one that is ready made with a sales program and the necessary software).

This will probably be decided by whether you have the ability to build your own, whether you have the finance to pay someone to build it for you or whether the cheaper option of a ready made package is for you.

A turnkey option is not limiting because you can always add other product lines, or e-books and information to it later.

The decision to build your own or not will also be governed by what you are choosing to sell. Obviously if you have your own range of products or services to promote, a turnkey website will probably not be appropriate.

But if you are a complete beginner, then I would definitely recommend the turnkey option. You immediately reap the benefit of the experience of the person who built the site, experience which can take years to acquire. You avoid the dead ends of investigation and blind alleys of learning if you’re starting yourself from scratch and you can concentrate on your main focus of getting those sales.

As your business grows you will need an automatic responder (autoresponder) so check that your turnkey package has one. If it doesn’t be prepared to add this.

An autoresponder is a piece of software which enables you to automatically contact everyone on your list, your subscribers. Your list of subscribers and customers will develop in time and it will become impossible to email updated information to everyone by hand. With an autoresponder you can send a specific message/email to each person on your list, or a selected section of your list, at will.

To be continued...

© 2006 Penny Shellswell Helping you develop a successful Turnkey business Click "Work from Home Don't Miss This". To Download a FREE 325 page ebook click banner "Dotcomology ~ The Science of Making Money Online" at

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Success University and Personal Development

Copyright © Penny Shellswell

Did you know that your bank balance reflects your personal development?

So if you are not happy with your bank balance Success University is for you.

Personal Development takes time and needs to be consistently worked at. Few of us have the self-discipline to do it alone. We need the help, input and support of others. Success University is the number one place to go.

The wide ranging curriculum covers Personal Development, Leadership, Sales, Communications, Relationships, Improving Your Self-Esteem, Motivation, Financial and much more.

If you are concerned about that bank balance of yours, you owe it to yourself and your family to sign up for Success University.

They have a 14 day FREE trial period but enroll other people and your costs will be covered. Enroll 12 people and you could have a very lucrative income stream for life.

Copyright © Penny Shellswell
To improve your bank balance visit


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Here's How and Where to Start your Online Business (Final Part)

Copyright © Penny Shellswell

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are where you register with a site which agrees to pay you a percentage of the value of the products that are sold via recommendation through your site. They take the order and ship the product to your customer.
The big advantage of an affiliate program is that it more or less runs itself, it's on auto pilot 24/7. You do the promotion, then suddenly you get a notification via email that you have a commission cheque due because somebody somewhere has made a purchase.

Guidelines for choosing an Affiliate Program

There are millions of sites to choose from so you need to examine them carefully. No, you don't have to examine them all! If, for example, you were looking for an affiliate program site dealing with natural health products for a particular condition, work through the list until you find three or four good looking sites that have products to deal with that condition. Then compare them carefully and perhaps choose one of them. You need to be sure that the site you will be referring people to is a top notch sales page.
Check if the is site easy to navigate. Is the information easy to find? Are there some good testimonials? Do they offer a money back guarantee? Some sites have a 'BBB' symbol which means they are members of the Better Business Bureau. Is the ordering process simple and is delivery good?
The best way to check out a prospective affiliate site is to actually purchase something yourself. I would recommend you become a customer of the sites you decide to liaise with. Personal experience and a good testimonial will be excellent when you come to promote them.
Commissions offered vary from 1% to 75% ~ 80% and occasionally more. The higher the percentage the better obviously but make sure it's not in wigwams or snails! Look for the Affiliate button, that will take you to the information about their program and a simple form for registration.

Finding Affiliate Programmes

A good place to start would be Another way, if natural products were your chosen line, would be to put 'natural products affiliate programs' into your Google search engine. In this particular case you come up with nearly 18 million sites! Try being a bit more specific. If you were to try 'natural handmade soap affiliate program' you would get about 154,000 sites. You could also enter 'affiliate program directory'.
Yes, it will take time but finding some products that you are happy about and that you find beneficial is important to your credibility when you come to promote them.

© 2006 Penny Shellswell To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit: