Friday, March 31, 2006

Online Business Owners: A Crucial Basic Principle to Your Success (Part 1)

Copyright © 2006 Penny Shellswell

Are you looking for freedom? Freedom to do the things you want when you want? Money is as important as oxygen – without it you cannot survive! To achieve this state of freedom will involve challenges to your thinking and your personality.

If what you and I have been doing hasn’t got us to where we want to be, what is the point of carrying on doing the same things? Where’s the sense in that? If I want some different results then things have to be done differently and it will involve some changes in me.

Anyone, no matter what their current situation is, can achieve the things they long for if they are prepared to commit themselves.

To succeed we need to follow and learn from those who are already successful. Great you say, but I don’t know anyone successful.
Well, it’s just that you don’t know them yet.

There are plenty of people whose lives have been written about that we can learn from. ‘Wake up and Dream’ by Pat Mesiti , or ‘Losing My Virginity’ by Richard Branson are just two examples. Richard Branson’s first ‘office’ was the local telephone kiosk!

We need to ask ourselves, what are the principles they have adopted to reach success? On discovering those principles, we can then copy them.

A key factor in all success is making the decision to succeed. That means deciding to be committed to achieving success by doing whatever it takes. Having made the decision we then need to act.

To be continued...

© 2006 Penny Shellswell
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Want an Online Business? Apprehensive? How to Clarify your way ahead

Copyright © Penny Shellswell

Have you ever found yourself thinking 'there has to be another way'? Do you long to do something that will improve your financial situation? Do you long to fire the boss?
In this article, at the very onset of your dreams, I would like to act as a frank, plain speaking good friend. My aim is to help you clarify your own mind. This is an essential step, I assure you, that can not only be a springboard for your initial thoughts but also can save you a lot of soul searching anguish later.

Our thoughts determine the quality of our lives.

The mind is always the battleground. Doubts, fears and problems can often loom bigger than the advantages. Having a vision of where you want to go and what you want to achieve will play a big part in helping to keep the balance and keeping you pointing in the right direction.

'Vision is the art of seeing things invisible to others' Jonathan Swift.

Imagine driving the car of your dreams, travelling to exotic places, owning a boat – whatever it is that excites you get some pictures stuck up around where you live. Get some holiday brochures, real estate details, go test-drive that dream car. Get excited about the kind of life you would like to lead.

Albert Einstein said 'Imagination is more important than knowledge'.

Success begins in the mind. We are what we think about.
Before making any decision about starting an online business let's answer a mini questionnaire. Working from home is not for everyone. Your honest answers to the following questions will help your decision whether an online business is right for you.

1. Are you an optimist?
2. Do you see problems as challenges?
3. Do you face your fears?
4. Do you like your own company?
5. Are you glad to be alive?

If you responded positively to the above questions, then you display strong personality traits which could lead to a successful online business. If there were some 'no's in your answers, then prior to taking up your online business I would recommend reading some books that will help prepare you.

Dr. Joyce Brothers said 'Success is a state of mind'.

If success is a state of mind then it follows that success must begin in the mind.
Jeff Keller has written an excellent book called 'Attitude is Everything' which can be obtained from

If success is a state of mind then we need to programme our mind. One of the ways to do that is by the words we use.
Words are powerful. They are literally life or death. Henry Ford said 'If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right'.

Listen carefully to the way you speak and the content of what you say. A keen listening ear will quickly see ways to improve. Don Gossett's book 'What you Say is What You Get' is another great read.

Plutarch, the Greek historian, biographer and essayist who lived in the first century BC said 'In words are seen the state of mind, character and disposition of the speaker'. 2000 years later his words still ring true.

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