Friday, April 28, 2006

Here's How and Where to Start your Online Business (Part 1)

Copyright © 2006 Penny Shellswell

Are you excited at the prospect of an online business? Do you find yourself asking: Is it possible to earn a living online? Can I do it?

Well, be encouraged. You can earn a living, an incredibly good one, and yes, you can do it. Anyone can do it.

Whether you are in employment looking to supplement your income or fire the boss, or whether you are retired and looking to provide a pension, or whether you are a teenager still at college wanting to make it big, then an online business could be your answer.

The great thing about the internet is that you do not need any high flying qualifications.

So where do you start?

You need a product and a website. Let's start with the product.

You need something to sell. Something you are passionate about or that you can become passionate about. You might have a passion for wigwams or snails but your target market is going to be rather small! Decide on something that appeals to a wide range of people.

It can be a service, information or product.

Service Product

A service is where you might choose to sell your expertise through online consultancy, telephone or email.

A key factor, though, in this type of business is that you are limited by the hours in a day that you can commit. As your business expands, a lot will depend on how much you can fit into the hours you have available every day. What would you do if 1 million people replied to your advertising?

Many people, therefore, with a service to offer, often combine it with information in the form of e~books. (An e~book is a book in electronic format that can be downloaded by the customer directly to their computer on payment via a secure system).

So if, for example, you are a Life Coach, you would write your own e~books and e~courses that could be sold on line and you could offer an online consultancy as a back up perhaps. This leads into an area of great significance.

Information Products

Information products are hugely profitable. Everyone is looking for information. If you had a passion for natural health products, you could write your own information e~books and advertise them on your site.

Other Products
So what if you don't have your own product? Then Affiliate Programs could be your answer. Put simply, get paid for marketing somebody else's product. Broadly you have two choices: drop shipping or referral marketing.

Drop Shipping

This is where, via your website, you take the order and shipping details, and receive the money at the retail price. You then place the order with the producer/wholesaler and pay at the wholesale price. He in turn ships the product to your customer.

All this is great. However, there is a 'personal availability' commitment to your business involved. This can become time consuming as you necessarily become involved with aspects such as servicing returns and refunds with the attendant documentation.

To be continued...

Copyright © 2006 Penny Shellswell
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Monday, April 24, 2006

Online Business Owners: A Crucial Basic Principle to your Success (Part 5 - Final)

Copyright © Penny Shellswell

Self-discipline means doing the things that unsuccessful people are not prepared to do. Be encouraged. Self-discipline can be learned. Julio Melara in his book ‘It Only Takes Everything You’ve Got’ not only has an eye-opening questionnaire on self-discipline but also helpful guides for improving it.

Finding the fundamental keys to a successful business is vitally important. They are not difficult, but once you have found them repeat them and constantly improve them.

Setting some goals of how to find extra time and extra money is a great idea but make sure those goals are realistic. If for example, you think you can find 8 extra hours a day, you will quickly become despondent if you can only make 2.

It is much more encouraging to have a goal of 2 hours and then find by regularly reviewing how you spend your time, you can achieve 2 then 3 or even 4 hours. Do the same with your money.

There is no time like now to start. So begin practising self-discipline in the way you spend your time and your money. Take a hard look at your life and your lifestyle. Weed out the waste. And you will find a bounty you never knew you had.

About the Author:
Copyright © Penny Shellswell
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Online Business Owners: A Crucial Basic Principle to your Success (Part 4)

Copyright © Penny Shellswell

Self~Discipline with Regard to Money

Always a touchy subject, but that's the reason why you are developing an online business! Inevitably money is required but even on a limited budget an online business is still possible.

You know what your income is but do you know what your expenditure is? Very few people keep a record of their expenditure and those who do are initially appalled at what the money disappears on!

Using your notebook keep a record of everything you spend every day for a whole month. At the end of the month review it and see where you could save.

By keeping a tight reign on your expenditure now will enable you to invest more in your online business. Cutting costs now to invest in your business will pay you big dividends in the future.

Remember to be patient. It takes time to grow and nurture a project but done well a harvest of success will come in due season.

To be continued....

About the Author:
© 2006 Penny Shellswell Helps you Learn as you Earn. Join
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Online Business Owners: A Crucial Basic Principle to Your Success (Part 3)

© 2006 Penny Shellswell

Self~Discipline with Regard to Time

We have to decide to put in the commitment and make the time to create and grow the online business to achieve the results we want.

You could say it is all about sorting your priorities often at the expense of some sleep, TV, and leisure. But if 2 to 5 years of hard work now were to bring financial freedom would it have been worth it?

Obviously to develop extra streams of income online in addition to a 9 till 5 day job immediately restricts the hours you can work. If you are married with a family your free time is further reduced.

But none of these things in themselves need prevent you from developing that much sought after residual income. An income that can become more than sufficient for you to be able to fire your boss. Does that thought excite you?

Have you ever carried a notebook with you where ever you go throughout the day? You could begin to note down times of the day when you could save 10 minutes here or there. May be you could start and finish half an hour earlier or have only half an hour for lunch.

However you decide to create the 'extra' time, discipline yourself and get into a new routine.

The family will understand what you are doing and why and that it is for a limited period. If you don’t have a family then all your evenings and weekends are free!

Use your notebook to jot down ideas, or things to be done, so that when you get the time with your computer you know exactly what you are going to do. It will prevent you from wasting precious time thinking about where to begin, you can refer to your notebook and begin working immediately.

Keep the notebook by your bed at night~time. It is amazing how many ideas can come to one in the middle of the night.

To be continued...

© 2006 Penny Shellswell
You will find an online work from home opportunity for developing multiple income streams by visiting

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Online Business Owners: A Crucial Basic Principle to Your Success (Part 2)

© 2006 Penny Shellswell


Unfortunately the word discipline seems to be something many people don’t like to hear. They resent being told what to do. You would probably agree that without discipline the world would become even more chaotic.

But here we are not talking about someone else telling you what to do. We are talking about you taking charge of your own life and you responding to telling yourself what to do.

Every successful man and woman will list self-discipline as a major factor in their journey to success, but what do they mean by self-discipline?

Self-discipline flows from our motivation, our enthusiasm to achieve our goal. It is really about making choices. If I want to be successful and have the freedom I see some other people having then there are two major areas of my life that I need to examine. Time and money.

To be continued...

© 2006 Penny Shellswell
You will find more helpful information and internet marketing tips in my free newsletter by signing up at

Thursday, April 06, 2006

How to achieve Multiple Streams of Income

© 2006 Penny Shellswell

In previous articles we’ve looked at the importance of vision, about what we think and say and also at self-discipline. Here I want to look at yet another very important aspect which you will find invaluable to setting up an internet business.

There is an abundance of information and numerous ebooks, both free and at a cost, on how to build an online business; but I want to focus on just one book and one guy. ‘Dotcomology’ by Stone Evans.

Stone Evans is a very successful millionaire who has made his money through internet marketing. He used to be a restaurant owner, but as he says, the restaurant owned him because of the long hours he was having to work.

One day he read a book called ‘Multiple Streams of Income’ by Robert Allen. This book changed his entire life.

Why am I telling you this? Well, after months of researching on the internet late at night after the family had gone to bed, and several thousand dollars spent, Stone Evans found what he was looking for.

He developed his own very successful internet marketing business.

He has now written one of the best books out there on developing multiple streams of income through internet marketing.

In ‘Dotcomology’ you will learn about every aspect of internet marketing that you could think of, from the importance of websites being attractive, interesting, and interactive, to business ideas, affiliate programmes, advertising, how to keep customers, and press releases.

You will learn how to write articles, newsletters, the importance of blogs and much more.

Stone Evans has now ‘mentored’ thousands of other people to success.
Amazingly, Stone is now offering this ebook, ‘Dotcomology’, FREE so that others may learn to do what he has done.

I would encourage you not to pay another penny for any Ebook, Marketing Course, Software Programme or anything else until you have read ‘Dotcomology’.

Read ‘Dotcomology’ now, before you start an online business. It will save you so much time.

If your website is already up and running, there is still plenty of information here to help get more traffic to your web site, improve presentation and promotion and all the things essential to profitability.

When reading through ‘Dotcomology’, I suggest you use a highlighter to mark all the pieces of information relevant to where you are.

You can down load now by clicking on the banner below or Click Here

Have fun and here’s to your success.

© 2006 Penny Shellswell
You will find more helpful information and internet marketing tips in my free newsletter by signing up at